Sunday, 12 November 2017


A mortgage “closing” is a very exciting time because it’s the last step in the home-buying process and means you’re one step closer to moving into your new house. What isn’t so mortgage loan exciting, however, is the paperwork involved and having to get some of those mortgage loan documents notarized at closing.In an effort to streamline this problem and get documents notarized quickly at closing, Lenda has teamed up with electronic notary service Notarize,mortgage loan to offer the first-ever completely digital mortgage loan experience from start to finish. Yup, that’s right, the days of shuffling papers to your local notary are over and you can safely and securely mortgage loan get your documents notarized online.There could be a few reasons for this change. Home prices fell, and, if they’re not underwater, homeowners may have felt they would not mortgage loan have received their idea of a fair price. Or it could be the lack of home loan buyers in the market… or perceived inability to get a loan. Regardless of the reason to stay rather than sell, mortgage loan what this represents is pent-up demand — and a great mortgage opportunity.
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